The Daily Prophet Wednesday 2024

The Daily Prophet & Magical Happenings - July 10th, 2024
Instructions from Science Center for Care of Herbology Orbs:
Store in a cool dry place. Remember: the seeds will start sprouting when they get wet. Throw in your own yard before rain. (Note: It works best if you hold on to it till the following spring.) Then watch them grow!
Instructions for Tie Dye:
Please wait to remove the Tie Dyed item from the bag until the following day, so that the dye can set in. Using gloves, rinse the item, then remove the rubber bands and wash the item in cold water separately-- do NOT put it in the wash with other clothing/items.
Catapults - Hot Pink Hippogriffs
The Catapults started the morning strong with tie dye, which we finished at breakneck speed. We continued working on our crafts (hanging decorations of Bertie Botts, Chocolate Frogs, and Harry Potter-page balls), and then saw a show that included a tarantula, tortoise, snake, and crab that we got to touch! We got a cool Sno-Cone after lunch and practiced our skit to end our jam-packed day. Reminder to allow your tie dye shirt to sit until Friday or Saturday if you want vibrant colors and wash as instructed on the page.
Don't forget to wear closed-toed shoes tomorrow for Challenge Course!
Tornado 1 - Green Frogs
What a wonderful day for our fabulous green frogs. We were tapping into our "little maker hearts" as we created our own creatures with our favorite OWL leader Ellie. We had a watermelon hike that ended in a refreshing snack. We made yarn bracelets and broomstick SWAPS. In our free time, we planned our skits for the Friday talent show. The highlight of the day was a reptile show followed by refreshing snow cones. The day flew by, and we are excited for tomorrow! Tomorrow will be making lots of camping foods to include hotdogs, pie iron fruit and savory pies and banana boats. Your scout will not leave hungry.
Tornado 2 - Turquoise Storm Clouds
Our fantastic day started off with the challenge course where the Storm Clouds worked on team building activities like a balance beam and net obstacle, then everyone who wanted to was able to take two runs on the zip line. After that, we had the chance to meet some reptilian friends during the program– including a Indonesian blue-tongued skink and a bull snake. After a cool treat of shaved ice, we worked our making our shooting star swaps.
Bats 1 - Lavender Fwoopers
The Lavender Fwoopers had a great day at camp! We visited our friends at the archery range and took turns shooting arrows, with many of us even hitting the bullseye. Then we made magic wands and seashell picture frames at crafts. After that, we got to meet a tortoise, an alligator snapping turtle, a land crab, and a bull snake at the animal program. We topped off the day with sno-cones, making special gifts to swap with fellow campers, and some fun songs and games. Tomorrow is Quidditch and ice cream, and we can't wait! We will also be doing water games tomorrow so make sure to bring a towel and an extra pair of clothes!
Bats 2 - Blue Morpho Butterflies
The Blue Morpho Butterflies had a very fun filled and busy day! First, we went to science and learned about PH levels and used a magic potion to reveal a message that picks a dragon for you! Then, we went back to our unit and had a very entertaining craft led by one of our OWLS (making color changing bracelets and decorated owls). Next, we went to songs and games and played parachutes! After lunch, we met with other groups and learned many interesting facts about reptiles. (Saw turtles, snakes, lizards, and scorpions too!) Afterwards, we had a cold, sweet treat: snow cones! Lastly, we learned how to do flag ceremony for leading it tomorrow morning! Though today was tiring, the Blue Morpho Butterflies can't wait to have more fun tomorrow!
Bats 3 - Chocolate Frogs
Once again, another great day at camp (and quite a busy one as well)! The Chocolate Frogs had fun playing quidditch again and doing the parachute at Songs and Games. For the second day in a row, they went to science and tested their magical abilities. About halfway through the day, the Choc. Frogs met with the other groups and learned about all sorts of fascinating reptiles. After which, they got snow cones as an icy treat! Back at the campsite, the Teen and Owl taught the girls some new activities and enjoyed some nachos. Though tired out, the Choc. Frogs can't wait for tomorrow!
Sunrays 1 - Purple Potions
We started off our day making magic wands and picture frames at Crafts. Then we headed over to Outdoor Skills where they helped us make some yummy doughboys for our morning snack. After that we watched a show that featured a crab, a tarantula, a tortoise, a turtle, and a snake, and the brave among us got to touch most of them. Then we chilled out with some snow cones out in the Sports Field. We finished off our day making some SWAPS to trade on Friday and by doing the closing flag ceremony.
Sunrays 2 - Red Dragons
We enjoyed some parachute time as well as our annual game of Quidditch out on the field. We managed to finish our craft from yesterday that the girls will be taking home today. After that, we watched a live reptile exhibition featuring a tortoise, tarantula and a slithering snake! We had a lovely picnic while devouring our yummy snow cones. Started working on our skit this afternoon which brought out the inner actors. They are very excited to perform on Friday!
Sunrays 3 - Green Griffins
We started off the day with games and crafts. We then learned all about amphibians, lizards, and snakes at the Program and celebrated with Snow Cones. We started our SWAPS and played games with our friends!
Rangers - Pastel Pink Power Rangers
We started off the day by practicing our Annual Hogwarts Talent show. Next, we spruced up some shirts by doing some tie-dye. After that, we enjoyed feeling and watching some amazing reptiles and slurping down some shaved ice. We enjoyed some nice cold ice cream, while playing some games, and finished off the day with practicing our skit again.
Pixies - Orange Owls
The Pixies had a GREAT day today!! To start off our day, we made paper snakes to match our animal program we saw after lunch today. At the program we saw a lot of cool creatures, including a snake, a tarantula, and a snapping turtle. After we met our new animal friends, we got to get a shaved ice treat to cool us off. After that, we learned some science by making magic potions with vinegar and baking soda! To help with the heat at the end of the day, we decided to fill up our pool and have some fun in the water. We had an awesome time today and can't wait for tomorrow!
Pictures from Camp