Camp Crossroads

FAQ - Staff

Broom with Sparkles

What are the qualifications of the staff?

Camp Crossroads is 100% volunteer run and we're proud of their dedication to the Girl Scout Program! Each unit and center will have at least two adults one of whom is a woman. For units, at least one leader has served as a leader for that age-level. Each unit and center will also have 2 to 4 teen staff members. Our first aid staff consists of volunteers who have First Aid and CPR training. All of the adults at camp have to be registered as Girl Scout Adults and complete a background check.

Do I have to be a Girl Scout leader to volunteer at Camp Crossroads?

No previous experience as a Girl Scout or Girl Scout leader is required! You will have to undergo some screening and training, but many of our volunteers are "just moms". For more information see our Volunteer section.

How do you decide staff assignments?

This is a complicated process involving several criteria such as your previous Camp Crossroads experience, Girl Scout training, flexibility, and willingness to attend the training and planning sessions. We'd like to be able to accommodate every volunteer's first choice, but that's not possible. We do our very best, but the needs of the camp come first.

I'm interested in volunteering as an adult staff member, but I can't attend the training or planning sessions. Is this a problem?

Well, actually, yes, it is. Our goal is for you to be a successful member of the leadership team. An important part of that is having the proper information (provided at the Camp Crossroads training session) and meeting with the other adult and teen members (at the planning session) to form the leadership team. While we don't like to use the "m" word ("mandatory,") our experience has shown us that volunteers who do not attend these important sessions are less successful, more stressed out and "behind the power curve." We have cut the meetings down to the bare minimum. That means fewer meetings (that's the good news!), but attendance is crucial (the bad news.)

f you know you can't attend one of the sessions, please tell us when you apply. It may not affect your acceptance, but it will affect your positions at Camp Crossroads -- we can't afford to have a unit or center completely staffed with volunteers who did not attend these sessions.

What is an "AIT"?

"AIT" stands for "Aide-in-Training". GSUSA has changed the program with the release of the new Girls Guide to Girl Scouting books in the fall of 2011. But never fear, we've relabeled it our “On the Way to Leader (OWL)" program. OWLs attend a special training program to learn to work with younger girls. See the 6th Grade and Beyond FAQ.