Camp Crossroads

FAQ - Activities

Broom with Sparkles

What will my daughter be doing all day long?

The campers spend their day on a combination of “centers” and unit time. At the centers (songs, crafts, science etc.) the girls will participate in age-appropriate activities. During unit time, the girls and the unit leaders decide how to fill their day based on the desires of the girls. They may work on a badge, they may go hiking, they may conduct a science experiment.

Center staff begins planning activities at the end of March. Unit staff begins planning unit activities at the beginning of June. During unit time each unit will also participate in some Crossroads favorite activities. These include visiting Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, conducting a watermelon hike, rehearsing their unit skit for the Crossroads talent show, working on the daily trivia quiz, doing kapers, making swaps and finding Scabbers.

Does my daughter have to be a Harry Potter fanatic to enjoy the camp?

Not really. While we use Harry Potter-like names for activities ("Transfigurations" instead of "Crafts") many girls who know nothing about Harry Potter attend the camp and enjoy the activities. The most intense Harry Potter activity is the daily trivia quiz which the unit works on as a team. We focus on the "lighter" aspects of the Harry Potter books.

Will my daughter earn any badges at camp?

Every girl will receive a Camp Crossroads "participation" patch that she can put on the back of her sash or vest. . The purpose of this day camp is not to earn badges but to have a wonderful outdoor experience. It's not about the bling -- it's about the fun!