FAQ - Registration
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How does the Camp Crossroads lottery system work?
Parents submit a lottery application through GSCNC's Online Registration system. We divide the applications into their appropriate age levels, then randomly start selecting applications until all the spots in a particular program are filled.
What's this online registration system you're talking about?
It is a GSUSA system being used by all Girl Scout Councils. GSCNC started using the Online Registration system for summer camp registrations in 2011. Instructions for creating and maintaining your daughter's account can be found on GSCNC's web site. Unfortunately, the volunteers who run Camp Crossroads cannot help you with problems with this system. We simply receive automated downloads of your daughter's information (girls' names, parent phone numbers, etc.). We cannot make corrections -- parents, for your daughter's safety please log onto your account and make sure it's accurate and up-to-date.
Why don't you use a first come, first serve registration process?
Camp Crossroads has used a lottery system for years. We just have too many girls interested in attending. With a lottery process any application submitted during the lottery window has an equal chance of being selected. We have an application window of at least 10 days. This means that every family has ample opportunity to submit an application -- not just those lucky enough to be sitting in front of their computer the exact minute we begin accepting applications.
The other advantage is that we can restructure the camp based on the volume of applications received for each age level. In 2011, we switched a Bats unit to a Sunray unit because we had lots and lots of K-1 girls apply. This flexibility means that we avoid long wait lists for some age groups and empty spots in others.
I'm a Girl Scout Leader. Doesn't that give my daughter priority in camp?
Although we appreciate your dedication as a Girl Scout Leader, your daughter does not receive special priority. Nor does the amount of money you contributed to SHARE. This type of preferential treatment is not in keeping with the goals of Girl Scouting.
Why do you give priority placement to the daughters of the volunteers?
Most GSCNC day camps are volunteer run. Without the volunteers, camp doesn't happen. It's pretty hard to get people to agree to volunteer to work at the camps unless their own daughter gets to attend!
What are the chances of my daughter getting in?
Well, it's hard to say-- how many girls are going to apply? How many volunteers will we have? Our magic just isn't that good.
How can I improve my daughter's chances of being selected?
The best way to ensure your daughter gets into camp is to volunteer. Camp Crossroads uses about 40 volunteers on site during camp and another 50 volunteers off site. Yes, we realize it's difficult to volunteer because many parents work -- our camp director is nutty enough to use her vacation time each summer to volunteer at camp, but there are other options besides working on site. Volunteers are needed before, during, and after camp in positions that can be handled by parents who work full time. For example, we need adults to supervise at the bus stops each morning. We have folks help us carry gear to camp the Saturday before camp starts and after camp ends. We use help in lots of ways that doesn't specifically involve giving up 5 days to work at the camp. See our Volunteer section of our website for Camp Crossroads information!
My daughter can only attend the camp some of the days. Is that a problem?
Every year hundreds of girls do not get into day camps because the demand for camp greatly exceeds the capacity. Part-time attendees mean that many spaces in camp "go empty". Units often build on skills during the camp week or start and finish projects over several days. If your daughter misses a day, it may very well mean that she does not complete an activity. She may sit in crafts with nothing to paint, because the pots were made the day before. Shirts, patches and other important documents are handed out during camp. If your daughter is not in attendance that day, it creates an administrative burden on the volunteer staff to keep track of which girl has received which item.
If your daughter cannot attend the entire program, please be considerate of others. Withdraw her and allow one of the girls on the waiting list to participate.
My daughter was accepted into more than one GSCNC day camp. What should we do?
If your daughter was lucky enough to make it into more than one camp, the honorable thing to do would be to choose one camp to attend and withdraw from the others so that another girl could enjoy Girl Scouting during the summer. Please make your decision promptly and carefully review each camp's withdrawal procedures.
How many girls are accepted?
Assuming we have a full complement of Adult Staff, we plan to accept 205 girls.
On the application it asks if I give permission for my daughter's photograph to be used to promote Girl Scouting. Where could her picture end up?
The photos we take are for promotional efforts. Some of the places the pictures could end up are the Camp Crossroads website, the GSCNC web site, next year's day camp brochure, etc. Your daughter's name would not appear in these promotional materials-- only her photo. If you do not give your permission, when we are taking photos we will ask your daughter to step aside so that she is not accidentally included in a picture.
Something's come up. How do I withdraw my daughter?
To withdraw your daughter, please see the withdrawal section of our website. If you withdraw early enough, we will be able to fill your daughter's spot with someone from the waiting list. Please keep in mind that we begin purchasing supplies for camp in April and the camp must be completely self-supporting. Withdrawals before the cutoff date (see Important Dates) will receive a full refund; withdrawals after the cutoff date will not receive a refund.